Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Well I got new robes did some quests in Moo shu and hung out with Ian!!!!! : ) OH!!!!! I might want to exsplan somethin once your reach level 30 you can start to do the side quests in Moo Shu so I finished up all the side quests in Hamatsu village and when I started one where I had to fight some tree spirets Ian ported and helped me out. And of course than I help him its the way we work one helps the other! Some times It's fun to play and battle with more than just you and a friend but today one of Ian's friends ported to him when we where battleing and just the way me and Ian role when we run out of things to say we just will start doing randome things but when others are there it's so much more acward and up tight than if it's just you and your friend so I must say two is a party tree (three in text talk) is a crowd!!!!!!!!! Exspect to hear more of Ian Moonwalker on my blog OH! And exspect to hear about my adventures throu Marlybone and Moo Shu because I am getting more crowns this saturday.

The storm wiz. Silverheart
(yes I finaly figured out how I'm gonna end!)

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