Saturday, December 26, 2009


dunno bored loling at random
bomerangs are good for knocking chinchilas out of trees : D
the (bored and stil Legolas crazy) storm wiz. Silverheart
P.S. "I feel something, a sligh tingle in my fingers, I think it might be affecting me" (said while partisipating in a Drinking game while Gimli sat there 124% drunk muttering nonsence : )


  1. Where are you in ds? I need some help in the Plaza of Conquest so if your there we could team up.

  2. i in the tower of arcives stuck on quest to kill 12 soldiers

  3. Ok where do you want to meet up? I could get you done with that quest easy. I'm stuck on the first tower :( wedsday?

  4. i need to meet up with you sometime. and i've never tried hitting a chinchilla with a boomerang :)

  5. wednesday I am throwing a party friday or saturday would work better for me

  6. King of death neather have I my cousing told me that I know where to find some chinchillas though
