sadly because I'm out of crowns it was so depressing : ( When I get more crowns will someone take me to do a Malister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol there is a story with this look okay I was talking to Sabrina on the phone We where at her Moo shu pad and she was hanging with her Grandmaster life wizard friend (and my friend) David he was dressed like a Samuri so I ran up to the bank and pulled this out he was talking about his malister when I run down the stairs he stops and screams in all caps "OH MY GOODNESS A NIJA!!!" XD I love that!!!!!!!! Oh and I put on my Marlybone outfit and he said I like your outfit thnx was my awnser you know than sabrina goes "I think she look like piret : )" I started laughing : ) then she typed "and Now she laughing at me : )" that was just a good time : )
Me rocking the Samuri look : )Yeah Yeah it is not actually what a Samuri looks like in the book BUT I LIKE IT OKAY!!! !!
the storm wiz.Silverheart
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